Buddleja davidii Nanho Purple

Buddleia Nanho Purple

A compact buddleia or butterfly bush for the smaller garden, Buddleja davidii Nanho Purple is a medium-sized, deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches and a dense habit. The long, elliptical leaves are grey-green, and may be retained in mild winters. From June to September, the shrub bears dense, cylindrical spikes of sweetly scented, light to rich purple flowers; these are very attractive to butterflies, hoverflies and other pollinators. Prune back last year’s growth to 3-4 buds in mid-spring to keep it shapely. Buddleia Nanho Purple holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Site: Tolerates exposure
Soil: Any well-drained, light soil
Position: Full sun
Season of interest: Summer and early autumn in particular
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: up to 6’6” (2m) Spread: 6’6” (2m), sometimes smaller
Type | Size: Pot | 3L
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