Fargesia nitida Jiuzhaigou GenF

Fargesia Jiuzhaigou GenF - Red Dragon Bamboo

This variety, Fargesia jiuzhaigou 'GenF’ is a rare form of jiuzhaigou which was collected as a seedling from jiuzhaigou Park in the northern Sichuan province of China. It is similar to jiuzhaigou ‘1’ but it grows much taller. The culms also turn a vibrant red when exposed to the right amount of sunlight and the culms are also a bit thicker than the other forms of jiuzhaigou. This is a very beautiful weeping bamboo and it is not invasive.

They grow best in a spot that is sheltered from midday sun but that gets some sun during the early part of the day. With its upright habit, Juizhaigou makes an excellent container specimen, but like all bamboos grown in containers, it must be kept well watered.

Site: Sheltered
Soil: Prefers moist, well drained soil
Position: Best in part shade
Season of Interest: Evergreen, red canes
Hardiness: Hardy
Height: 12-16 ft (4-5m) Spread: 4-6ft (1.5-2m)

Type | Size: Pot | 3L
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